Are You Facing a Sex Crime Charge?

Consult our defense attorney in Gatesville, TX

When a sex crime lands in front of a judge, they take the charges very seriously. If you're being charged with a sex crime, you need a reputable defense attorney who can present your case effectively. The Law Office of Paul S. Harrell will defend and support you every step of the way, offering legal services throughout the Gatesville, TX area.

Start building your defense now. Reach out to Mr. Harrell to build a case against your sex crime charge.

What's considered a sex crime?

What's considered a sex crime?

Sex crime is a wide-reaching term that covers many different criminal acts. Sex crime charges can include...

  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault or rape
  • Indecency by exposure
  • Child pornography
  • Revenge porn
If you're being accused of any of these crimes, you need to speak with a defense attorney immediately. Call 254-404-3323 today to set up an appointment with Mr. Harrell.